And The Days Just Keep Dragging On

I had the blood tests on Monday to see if I can have the chemotherapy. There is a part of me that wants them to find I have a strange White Blood Cell count, or a rampaging infection, or am anaemic, just so I can delay the treatment. However, I know I am none of the above so I find out tomorrow when I am to start having chemotherapy.

On Tuesday I have a medical wonderland day. I see the orthopod in the early evening about my foot after the operation whereupon I will mention to him that I still have no sensation around the scar or below it and I will say how much it hurts. At lunchtime I am seeing the substance misuse people at Plummer Court which I am scared about. It is only for an assessment but I am scared they will either make too much out of it or dismiss me. I am also terrified that they’ll take one look at me and my background and jump to a stereotypical conclusion that I’m “not the sort of girl who has a drug problem”.

We’ll see.

Sorry this is so short but just can’t be bothered writing at the moment. Everything just seems a little too much effort.



Blogroll Update

I was going to write a post today about my drug (mis)use, but it needs careful planning so expect it later on either today or tomorrow.

However, I have updated the blogroll at the side of the blog to accommodate some newcomers to this blog, particularly those who have posted comments as it seems only fair.


Edit: Whilst waiting for my own post on the subject may I suggest that you check out this post on Experimental Chimp’s blog which makes perfect sense and sums up my opinions perfectly.