Here Comes The Sun: A Perfect Excuse To Act Like A Total Sloaney!

The sun has been out in London Town today which has been an excellent excuse to sit in it and drink copious amounts of Pimm’s. The boyfriend called me a sloney for this, and I had to admit that I don’t live in South Kensington and was currently clad in white linen trousers for no reason. I hasten to add that I wasn’t drinking alone. I was at my friend’s nice new flat and sharing her excitement. I got slightly tipsy, realised I was and so moved onto Diet Coke. Sometimes my willpower with certain small things amazes me, I mean if I had got drunk at her house it wouldn’t have mattered, I could have possibly gone on to join the party on the Circle Line. It would have been simple considering I live on the Circle Line.

My willpower only stretches so far though when I had a realisation last night that I am still a drug addict. My Mum had rather unsuccessfully hidden the Oramorph which I was prescribed from A&E on Thursday night, and only supposed to take 10ml of on an as needed basis. I found it last night, I wasn’t particularly looking for it but when I found it I realised that a nice bit of morphine induced fuzziness was just what I needed and so took a big gulp of it. Maximum doses and recommended daily allowances didn’t come into it. I don’t know how much I took but I know that by the time I spoke with the boyfriend at 11pm my speech was very slurred, I was nearly falling asleep and my head felt like cotton wool.

He told me I needed help, particularly after I told him my little nugget of wisdom which surmised that I didn’t mind having cancer and could cope with having cancer if it meant I got supplies of morphine. Weird thinking again. I have decided I am going to speak with C (psych) next week about this dependency/tolerance/addiction; call it what you will. After all, I can’t go through chemo and cancer surgery and the subsequent pain relief knowing that I won’t be able to trust myself to only take the recommended daily dose, or to take them for the purpose they were prescribed. I don’t know what I expect her to do, in fact I would quite like her to just nod her head and give me some patronising comment and then just forget I ever said it.

Don’t think narcotic addiction works like that somehow!?!


Blogroll Update

I was going to write a post today about my drug (mis)use, but it needs careful planning so expect it later on either today or tomorrow.

However, I have updated the blogroll at the side of the blog to accommodate some newcomers to this blog, particularly those who have posted comments as it seems only fair.


Edit: Whilst waiting for my own post on the subject may I suggest that you check out this post on Experimental Chimp’s blog which makes perfect sense and sums up my opinions perfectly.